Paul & Cin fix Comp in Pittsburgh
Boy, what a day this was. Well, the story begins back at the start of 2005, when I convinced my Friend M^2 in Pennsylvania that he needed me to build him a computer, haha, not sure I'll do that again. Anywhow, we picked out the parts together, and I built it for him, if I can find the specs, i'll post them. Anyhow, I shipped him the computer and when he received it, it became a jumbled mess from shipping!!! UGH! I never felt so terrible in my life. M^2 is disabled so he was unable to get in there and fix the lamed up beast. I couldn't possibly let him have a comp like, so I booked a plane and flew out to fix it. I had a great time too, I've known M since 2000 and we have never met in person, so it was reallly good to talk to my friend face to face and fix the comp. That baby is smokin'!. Moral of story: Not really a wise idea to build someone far away a computer. lol


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